
Welcome to the essential online guide for the group travel trade. Our website features all the latest travel trade news, events and suggestions on where to stay, along with a comprehensive directory of attractions. View the latest editions of THE BLUEPRINT GUIDE TO GROUP TRAVEL and THE BLUEPRINT GUIDE MAGAZINE by clicking on the images.










What's On


Eden Project

The Eden Project in Cornwall has added to its spectacular collection of plants with five new and exciting cultivars of Kangaroo paw (Anigozanthos) – believed to be the first of their kind to be on public display in the UK....

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ARCHIE - the interactive guide at Blenheim

Visitors to Blenheim Palace can now enjoy personally tailored tours, thanks to a new state of the art app, ‘Archie - your interactive guide’, named in honour of the Palace’s former Administrator and first Chief Guide, Archie Illingworth, who worked ...

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